Cohabitation Agreement Details
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Governing Law
Laws of which Province will govern this agreement?
Party Information

First Party
Full Name:
Referred Name: (The name the party would like to be referred to as throughout the agreement. e.g. Jane)

Second Party
Full Name:
Referred Name: (The name the party would like to be referred to as throughout the agreement. e.g. Brad)

Shared Address

Do you want to make a list of each party's present property?

What types of property should be treated as separate property? Separate property is property that will not be divided between the parties in the event of a breakup. In other words, there will be no question as to the legal ownership of the property or whether the other party has any entitlement to it.
Choosing this option offers the highest degree of 'protection' for parties seeking to keep property separate.
Choosing this option offers the lowest degree of 'protection' for parties seeking to keep property separate.

Do you want to make a list of the parties' shared property?

How should shared property be assessed in the event of separation?

Transfers From One Party to Another
Should the transfer of present or future property between the parties be evidenced in writing?

Do you want to make a list of each party's present debts?

Choosing this option offers the highest degree of 'protection' for parties seeking to keep debts separate.
Choosing this option offers the lowest degree of 'protection' for parties seeking to keep debts separate.

Do you want to make a list of the parties' shared debts?

How would shared debts be assessed in the event of separation?
Children from previous relationships?

Children from parties' relationship?
Will one party be entitled to support in the event of separation?
Estate Issues
Will a party be entitled to receive anything from the other party's estate?
Additional Clauses
How many additional clauses do you want to create?
Signing Details
Agreement to be signed?
Party signing in front of?
Agreement to be executed in front of a notary public?
Would you like each party to receive a Certificate of Independent Legal Advice?